Get to Know: Nicole Randhawa

What inspired you to pursue a career in wellness and holistic health?

The best way to describe what inspires me as pelvic health physio is that it's two passions combined: my interest in the anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of the body plus witnessing the inequalities women face in general but also within healthcare, and wanting to do something about it. I began working in pelvic health early in my career and since then I have been on a mission to improve awareness and education in this area. My personal experiences have contributed to my dedication to providing quality care, and an understanding of what it feels like to have to advocate for your health, be vulnerable with a provider, along with some of the trials and tribulations of pregnancy and postpartum. 

*I do want to note that pelvic health is for everyone as everyone has a pelvic floor, I am just speaking to my perspective and what sparked my interest.

What are some common misconceptions about your field that you'd like to address?

Misconception #1: That pelvic health physio is just about Kegels.  This can certainly be part of it, but there is SO much more to it! 

Misconception #2: That common pelvic health issues (ie. leaks, pain with sex, etc.) are just a normal part of pregnancy and postpartum and we just have to deal with them.  There is very solid research showing pelvic health physio should be the first line treatment for many common pelvic floor concerns. We can take the mystery and guesswork out of it to help you to understand what’s going on in your body and what to do about it. 

I mean I could keep going, but I will stop there for now! 

What's your favourite piece of advice to give to your patients?

Learn how to connect to your pelvic floor.

Learn how to diaphragmatically breathe.

Focus on the fundamentals: sleep, nutrition, movement, stress management - it may not seem like these are related to pelvic health but they definitely are. 

If you’re pregnant, do perineal massage and learn how to relax your pelvic floor.

Can you share a bit about your own daily wellness routine?

Movement first thing in the morning: this includes lifting weights and going for a walk. 

Eating a breakfast that includes a good amount of protein. 

Staying hydrated through the day

Eating balanced meals and snacks throughout the day (I’m admittedly not great at this, but working at it)

*I want to note my routine hasn’t always looked like this, since becoming a mom it’s pushed me to carve out time to focus on my wellness so I feel good and can show up the way I want to.

What's your favourite relaxation or stress-relief technique?

Taking a moment for a few diaphragmatic breaths throughout the day 

Exercise, preferably outside.

In the summer it’s swimming in a lake preferably.  

In the winter it’s taking a hot bath.

And honestly sometimes it’s sinking into my coach and watching TV (Gilmore Girls if I really need a stress-relief)

What is one book or resource you often recommend to your patients for self-care and wellness education?

Expecting Better and Cribsheet by Emily Oster

Come as you are by Emily Nagoski

Jen Gunter Vaginal Bible and Menopause Manifesto by Jen Gunter

What is one wellness trend you're excited about right now? Why?

Women being supported and empowered to do resistance training through the lifespan (including during pregnancy and postpartum). Building strength is a key component to health and longevity.

How has your understanding of wellness evolved throughout your career?

That it’s about a commitment to continue to show up for yourself rather than the perfect wellness routine. This is something I remind myself of often and my clients.

If you didn't work in wellness, what would be your dream job?

Something in the food industry. I would love to be creating and playing around with new recipes and sharing them.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring three items, what would they be?

Is it cheating to say a boat haha?! 

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